The sculpture of time

We are living before wondering about the best way of life. And even when we are wondering about this best way, we continue to live our own life. The life, our real life, can't be ignored. Being single without children or being a father or a mother, have 18 years old or 85 years old, have a job or be jobless, are not insignificants details. Our situation is the raw material of our reflexion. What I am is what I am doing today. Sculpt our own statue is sculpting our temporality. What will I do of the 24 hours of my day ? The form of my life depend of the way I sculpt my time. Take posession of our existence go against the half conscious course of our daily routine where we are engaged without often wanted it. Our days are in repeat mode and all look the same, thats why we loose their meaning. Reflexion is not a dream but try to see ourself with deep consciousness. It is better to live our dream than dream our life. Spending all day dreaming about another life is not have another life, it is have a dreamer's life. Maybe this kind of life can make some people happy, I don't judge them. But in this case we must be aware that we are not an action man or an action woman, but a dreamer. The pleasure of the dream is not the same than the pleasure of real achievement. Being rich and dreaming to be rich is not the same, being a star and dreaming to be a star is not the same. How do we sculpt our time ? This is what we are...



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