We cannot escape from pain, it is our fate, we must accept it. Try to run away from suffering will increase its power on us because we have both the real pain and the pain from the frustrating incapacity to escape. Living our life trying to avoid pain is thinking about it all the time. It will haunt us and our existence will be like a pendulum swinging between suffering and the fear of suffering. When pain is coming, it is here,wether we want it or not. Let's accept it, it is a part of ourselves.But, is accepting pain is enough to be happy ? Of course not. When the sun is too hot, creeping plants look for shadow and wet places where they will find more nutriments in the ground.Let's try to imitate them. When things are against us, we must accept it be we must try to find a way to feel pleasure too.The antidote of suffering is not happiness. Happiness is an illusory idea that we seek in vain and which prevents us from enjoying the simple pleasures of existence. As long as we pursue an ideal of happiness, we will always be disappointed by the daily reality since it never conforms to our ideal. If we die tomorrow, what will remain as happy memories? A laugh between friends, good times spent with family, beautiful meetings, a hike maybe, a well-watered party ... it will remain the memory of real pleasures and not a virtual and illusory happiness. So let's stop looking for happiness that will never come and take the benefits of pleasure that are available to us today. Carpe Diem.



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