Life is a choice

I will die one day. I do not know how much time I have left: perhaps 60 years maybe 5 years or 5 days; but one thing is sure, I'm going to die. It is the certainty of death that gives value to my existence. The time I have is precious. There are so many interesting things to do or to know, one life is not enough, but we only have one life. Living is choosing. Several paths open before us, which one to follow? Should we borrow several at the same time and run the risk of not going too far each time or should we take one and go as far as possible? Doing politics, setting up a business, pursuing a university career are not part-time activities. You have to dedicate all your life to succeed. Choosing one's life lead to destroy our other possibilities of existence. What sacrifices am I willing to accept? To leave my children for political meetings or to earn millions by killing me at work? Renounce power and wealth? How far must this renunciation go? Should one abandon one's material life to devote oneself exclusively to others? There are many ways ... we could trace a kind of middle way: do not look too much for wealth while avoiding poverty, thinking of yourself and your family while helping others where possible. But the harmony of the middle way goes against excellence. All great men above the norm necessarily have an unbalanced life where part of their existence takes a disproportionate share. Did Napoleon have a harmonious life? And mickael Jackson? And Baudelaire?
Accomplish great things is  take an exclusive path. Harmony means renouncing excellence, at least partly accepting imperfection, banality, the idea of being ordinary. We all dream of being extraordinary, but do we really want all the sacrifices that it requires? We must stay true to our nature. Some want to be at the top, it's not necessarily a bad thing. Others prefer to stay simple, nor is it a bad thing.



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